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Cholinergic drugs are used for a variety of purposes, including the treatment of myasthenia gravis and during anesthesia.

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Q: What is the purpose of cholinergic stimulants?
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What drugs have interactions with cholinergic stimulants?

Certain antibiotics, especially neomycin, streptomycin, and kanamycin, can exacerbate the effects of some cholinergic stimulants. These antibiotics should be used with caution by people with myasthenia gravis.

What are the side effects of cholinergic stimulants?

The adverse effects of cholinergic stimulants include mostly rash and digestive system complaints, including queasiness, loose stools, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, muscle pain , increased salivation.

What are cholinergic stimulants?

they stimulate the action of ACh at post ganglionic muscarinic receptors.

Who are the people who should not take cholinergic stimulants?

Cholinergic stimulant drugs may not be suitable for persons with asthma, heart block or slow heart rate, epilepsy , hyperactive thyroid gland, bladder obstruction, gastrointestinal tract obstruction, or stomach ulcer.

What is the cholinergic response?

cholinergic is receptor that secrete the acitylcholine

How do cholinergic drugs control glaucoma?

Cholinergic drugs are also used in control of glaucoma, a disease that is caused by increased pressure inside the eye. The most common drugs used for this purpose are demecarium (Humorsol) and echthiophate (Phospholine iodide).

What is cholinergic and anti cholinergic drugs?

Cholinergic drugs are used for urinary retention, myasthenia gravis, glaucoma. Cholinergic drugs act like the neurotransmitter ACh (acetylcholine). Anti Cholinergic (also called Cholinergic blocking) drugs block the action of the ACh. Anti Cholinergic drugs are used foe pylorospasm & peptic ulcers, bladder overactivity, parkinson's disease

What do cholinergic neurons secrete?

Cholinergic neurons secrete acetylcholine.

What are the side effects of stimulant?

The adverse effects of cholinergic stimulants include mostly rash and digestive system complaints, including queasiness, loose stools, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, muscle pain , increased salivation.

What blocks enzymes resulting in a cholinergic crisis?

What agent blocks enzymes resulting in a cholinergic crisis

What agent blocks enzymes resulting in a cholinergic?

What agent blocks enzymes resulting in a cholinergic crisis