The purpose of a forehead lift is improvement of the patient's external appearance, particularly with regard to the upper third of the face. Some people have clearly marked frown lines or drooping of the eyebrows or eyelid
The classic, or open, forehead lift involves a long incision along the top of the forehead and lifting of the skin of the forehead. The second type of forehead lift, known as an endoscopic lift, is performed with special instruments
A forehead lift is a specialized procedure performed only by a qualified plastic surgeon
Aftercare for a classic forehead lift is somewhat more complicated than for an endoscopic procedure.
A forehead lift is a cosmetic surgery procedure intended to improve a person's appearance by correcting the shape of the eyebrows and reducing horizontal wrinkles or furrows in the skin of the forehead.
An endoscopic forehead lift is performed with the help of an endoscope, which is an instrument designed to allow the surgeon to see the tissues and other structures underneath the skin of the forehead.
It is also known as a brow lift.
The classic forehead lift takes about one to two hours and may be performed with either general or local anesthesia.
Headaches for a day or two after surgery. This complication is much more common with a classic forehead lift than with endoscopic surgery
According to the AACS, 13.4% of cosmetic surgery patients take out loans to finance their procedure. In 2002, the average cost of a forehead lift was $3300.
The cosmetic effects of a forehead lift last between five and 10 years, depending on the person's age and the condition of their skin when the procedure was performed.
"placed one hand on her forehead with" the other hand with your fingers on the boney part of the chin. Push on the forehead and lift the chin (most of the force on the forehead).
Most plastic surgeons recommend that a forehead lift should be done when the patient is between 40 and 60 years old, although it is sometimes done on younger patients