Possession of MDMA A person convicted of possessing a personal use amount of MDMA in California faces a maximum of 1 year in the county jail or state prison. It is almost unheard of for a judge to actually impose such harsh sentence. If the person meets six criteria the prosecutor is required to refer the case to Diversion. The six criteria for Diversion are: (1) The defendant has no conviction for any offense involving controlled substances prior to the alleged commission of the charged offense. (2) The offense charged did not involve a crime of violence or threatened violence. (3) There is no evidence of a violation relating to narcotics or restricted dangerous drugs other than a violation of the sections listed in this subdivision. (4) The defendant's record does not indicate that probation or parole has ever been revoked without thereafter being completed. (5) The defendant's record does not indicate that he or she has successfully completed or been terminated from diversion or deferred entry of judgment pursuant to this chapter within five years prior to the alleged commission of the charged offense. (6) The defendant has no prior felony conviction within five years prior to the alleged commission of the charged offense.
(See Pen. Code. Sec. 1000; For more about California's diversion program read this article by Jeff Brown of the San Francisco Public Defender's Office.) If a person is eligible for Diversion they are able to enter a conditional plea of guilty and if they then successfully complete the diversion program (usually "drug education" classes) the plea is set aside. This means that they do not receive a criminal record. Possession of MDMA with Intent to Sell Punishment for possession of MDMA with intent to sell is governed by section 11378 of the California Health and Safety Code. Along with Penal Code Section 18, the punishment is a state prison term of 16 months, or two years, or three years. Diversion is not an option.
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The punishment really depends on the state that you live in. In some states, if you are caught with possession of 40 pills you can serve a minimum of 6 months in jail. Recently, some states have passed laws stating that possession of Ecstasy is a felony. So like I said, it all depends on the state you live in and the amount you have on you. I would recommend losing the Ecstasy all together.
than 1 gram = "state felony" with a mandatory minimum of 180 days in county jail
up to 2 years and a fine of up to $10,000. (Tex Pen. Code, Sec. 12.35).
gram, but less than 4 grams = "felony 3rd degree" with a mandatory 2
year minimum, up to 10 years, and a fine of up to $10,000. (Pen. Code, Sec. 12.34.)
grams, but less than 400 grams = "felony 2nd degree" with a
mandatory 2 year minimum, up to 20 years, and fine of up to $10,000 (Pen. Code, Sec.
grams or more = mandatory 5 year minimum, with possible life imprisonment (Health &
Saf. Code, Sec. 481.116)
You would assume that the holes that ecstasy eats into your brain would be punishment enough. However, legal punishment includes up to seven years in prison or an unlimited fine or both for possession and up to life in prison or an unlimited fine or both for dealing.
The punishment is death
Ecstasy is a schedule 1 narcotic. Possession = jail time.
My wife was in ecstasy after eating a piece of her favorite dark chocolate. OR The charges brought against the defendant are possession of the narcotic ecstasy.
Get a lawyer. No one on the internet is going to be able to adequately answer your question. Possession of ecstasy is a felony, so if you had a gun at the time, you might be charged...
Depends on your history and if any at all how long ago if pryer history and if you are out on bail work with the dept, to help yourself
unlimited fine 5 years = possession 8=suppling
Judy Rosenthal has written: 'Possession, ecstasy, and law in Ewe voodoo' -- subject(s): Ecstasy, Ewe (African people), Ewe Law, Law, Ewe, Religion, Spirit possession
That depends greatly on the state. In Texas, possession of marijuana punishment is dependent on the amount (based on ounces), and Texas does not have a possession with intent to distribute for marijuana. I believe many other states to increase the punishment for intent to distribute even with marijuana. I would suggest you look to the penal code of your state, or possibly re-post the question to include the state.
Being found with possession if ectasy is different in every country, state or province. In some places ecstasy can get you a week in prison and sent to see a drug councillor. In other places you cant be put into prison for 2 years just for delivering the ecstasy for a dealer.