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I think I should be able to answer this because I am a 12 year old girl and I'm trying to eat a healthier diet. First of all, you should be eating a balanced diet-- make sure to eat foods from all four food groups each day. And remember not to skip breakfast because your body needs energy to start the day. You should be eating at least 5-6 servings of fruits and vegetables each day. You should also be eating 6 servings of grain products; bread, bagels, cereal (hot or cold), etc. 4 servings of dairy products and 2 servings of meat and alternatives should be healthy too! I really hope this helped. Try not to eat too many sweets but treat your self every so often.


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13y ago
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13y ago

The quantity of calories consummed depends a great deal on the size and activity of an individual. The more active they are the more calories they need to maintain their current weight. Someone that is very active, such as Michael Phelps when in training, consumes 3 or 4 times more than someone that is just sitting around at a computer all day.

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12y ago

Im 12 years old too. Im a little bit chubby. I say just to include fruits and vegetables in your diet daily and then you can eat whatever. Maybe not 2 slices of pie, but maybe some sweets. That's my opionion

Im 12 too. ne way... basically what it's all about is making sure you base your diet on carbs like bread, pasta, rice ect., and also plenty of fruit and veg. Also you need some protein (like fish and meat and eggs and beans) and dairy stuff (cheese milk yoghurt butter ect), and some fatty foods like chocolate and sweets but not too much. Also you have to eat your breakfast and have about 5-6 small meals during the day instead of 2-3 like some people say, cos that's healthier... if you want to know any more you will have to ask my cookery teacher she looks like susan boyle...

Noo Noo Noo, I'm twelve.. pastaa is acctualy very fattening i know last year i was 4 and a half stone then i started to get more of an appetite ate PASTA alot and lots f sweets now im 6 stone :O yeah I've been told 4and a half stone wasnt healthy but that's not the point the point is is gained lots of weight! so now for a diet you should eat vegetables, fruit, meat, dairy, not so many carbohydrates, brown bread, less sugar on your cereal, tea not hot chocolate, (i know its sad but you have to get used to it) copy off your friend who is waaay skinnier then you eat what shes eating but a little bit less.. excersise daily! 30-40 mins walk.. stop if you feel sick sit down until you are 100% sure you are ok to walk home. if your not on a diet eat fruit, veg, protein, dairy and sweets only a few you don't want to put on weight!! Do treat yourself to your occasional fattie meal (:

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11y ago

I think a 12 year old kid should eat pretty healthy i know im 5' and i weigh about 115 and i hate it so for now on im going to stick to a healthy diet and eat junk modified because im unhappy with my weight im very athletic but still i wish i was lighter, i look skinny but dont feel it....

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14y ago

a good healthy diet, with plenty of fruit and veggies.

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11y ago

Balanced diet chart for a 12 year old child

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13y ago

I believe that a 12 yr old shold just eat breakfast,dinner,and maybe a small meal like a peanut butter sandwhich at night. And you could also eat snacks in between.

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12y ago

A girl should have as much as she needs a day to be healthy!

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15y ago


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