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Step 1: Chewing

Chewing triggers the release of saliva from the saliva glands.

Saliva begins breaking down food components into starches, (sugars), which the body uses for energy.

Step 2: Down the esophagus to the stomach

The esophagus squeezes the food into the stomach, where it is rocked back in forth in bile which is created by the liver. There is also another thing that helps break it down and that is enzymes that is created from the pancreas. Which further breaks it down into starches, fats, and it's base chemicals that the body can easily absorb.

Step 3: The small intestine

The small intestine is basically the body's nutrient sponge. The small intestine contains enzymes that split food even further and absorbs it into the walls of the intestines, absorbing nutrients and rejecting unwanted substances. The nutrients are spread throughout the body's regulatory systems ( mainly Circulatory). The material that is unwanted passes through untouched by enzymes, and arrives in the large intestine.

Step 4: Eviction

The large intestine contains all the unwanted chemicals (faeces) of the small intestine's job, preparing them for evacuation from the body. (defecation)

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metabolism is the process by which your body produces and uses energy from food

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