One should use Cardiovascular/Cardio Cooldown after extensive aerobic/cardio exercise. The cooldown should be at least 3 -10 minutes depending on the length of time you exercise. A good aerobic/cardio exercise program should last 20 -60 minutes. Slowing down after exercise, allows the body to cool off, while allowing the heart-rate to normalize; also drinking fluids to rehydrate your body is needed, especially after extensive exercise. Cooling down will help you avoid muscle spasms and cramps, as well as prevent soreness; especially if you are new to aerobic exercise. Although cooling down is important, the warm up before aerobic/cardio exercise is also important. The process of warming up and cooling down can include stretching, running in place either by speeding up while warming up, or slowing down when cooling off, so both essential.
Being inactive is a _____ for cardiovascular diseases. Answer: Primary risk factor !
Probably the Heart
what is the purpose of the construction industry
"an" is the primary accented syllable in "angioplasty."
There is a 90 second cooldown time before you can use the multi-purpose restoration pack again.Remember that this is the most expensive consumable, especially if you need to use it more than once. Whilst it is extremely helpful, it may also result in you losing credits at the end of the battle if you did not earn enough to cover the costs.
Her primary purpose is to entertain the reader.
The purpose of any primary election is to choose candidates for the main election.
what is the primary purpose of accounting
Our primary purpose is to provide information and training to families.
The primary purpose of "Hip-Hop Planet" was to inform.
There is no primary purpose, since it constantly changes based on history
The first aid kit in World of Tanks Blitz has a cooldown time of 90 seconds.Protect your crew the best you can during the cooldown period by using tactics such as angling, sidescraping and hull-down assaults.