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To find the underlying cause of the patient's disorder.

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Q: What is the primary goal of psychoanalysis?
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What is the main goal of psychoanalysis?

To figure out the brain and why we have certain feelings and why we perform certain actions.

What was fathers hidalgo primary goal?

Father Hidalgo's primary goal was for Mexico to be independent from Spain.

What is the primary goal of the RRI?

The primary goal of the RRI (Riverside Rehabilitation Institute) is to help their clients into progressing towards independence as their primary goal. This is achieved by supplying specialized care.

Primary in a sentence?

My primary goal is to pass this class.

What is the primary goal of all advertisements?

The primary goal of every advertisement is Branding

The primary goal of wellness is the ability to achieve?

The primary goal of wellness is the ability to achieve the highest possible quality of life.

What was juan de onate goal?

Juan de Oñate's goal was to explore and conquer new territories for Spain in North America. He wanted to establish settlements and enforce Spanish rule in what is now the Southwestern United States, particularly in present-day New Mexico. Oñate's expeditions were driven by the desire for power, wealth, and expansion of Spanish influence in the region.

What is the primary goal of an pediatrician?

I have no clue

What is the primary goal of community?

to die

Why should you make intelligibility as primary goal in speaking?

Actually, the primary goal to speaking is knowing your audience. You should make it as intelligible as they are.