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The primary role of the reticular activating system is to control the wake-sleep cycle. In other words, it controls when we wake up and the transition between sleeping and waking.

The reticular activating system has a network of neurotrasmitters between the brainstem, medulla oblongata and the cerebral cortex that can transfer messages and signals to and fro.

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Q: What is the primary function of the reticular activating system?
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Where is the reticular activating system located?

The reticular activating system is located in the brainstem, specifically in the midbrain, pons, and medulla. It is a network of neurons that plays a crucial role in regulating arousal, sleep, and consciousness.

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Is the reticular activating system part of the midbrain?

The brain stem is where the reticular activating system is found. It is a very old system and so is a very old part of the brain common to lower life forms as well as higher life forms. See link below:

What is the alertness control center in the brain?

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What is the Dutch translation for 'ascending reticular activating system'?

There is no Dutch word for ARAS, it's the same.