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The pressure point of the thigh is on the inside, near where the leg joins the hip. This is where you push to stop bleeding in the lower leg.

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Q: What is the pressure point of the thigh?
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It's the femoral pressure point - located on the inside of the thigh where the leg joins the pelvis.

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To pinch someone's pressure point, find their pressure point. From there, pinch it with your thumb and pointer finger. You can also just apply strong pressure to it.

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Boiling point is when the liquids pressure equals the pressure of the atmosphere.

Assume someone has been injured in an auto accident and is hemmorrhaging badly what pressure point would you compress to help stop bleeding from the thigh?

Probably the femoral artery which is palpable in your loin.

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Air pressure also affects the boiling point of water. The higher the air pressure, the higher the boiling point.

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The boiling point of a liquid depends on the pressure applied to it: higher pressure raises the boiling point and lower pressure decreases it. By reporting the boiling point along with the pressure, it allows for accurate comparison and reproducibility of experimental results, as different pressure conditions can affect the boiling point.

What pulse is found on the inner thigh?

Femoral pulse: located in the inner thigh, at the mid-inguinal point, halfway between the pubic symphysis and anterior superior iliac spine (femoral artery). (from Wikipedia)

What should you do if the combination of extremety elevation and direct pressure do not control the bleeding?

At that point, if you have not yet tied a tourniquet, tie one above the wound making sure it is tight, keep it at an elevation and keep adding direct pressure to the wound. Not much else can be done to stop bleeding. If you can see the blood vessels themselves you can use a cautery if you have one (It essentially uses heat to close off the blood vessel).