i think so
In the physicians office
Physicians Answering Service is based in Portland, Oregon. They provide an answering and paging services for physicians when they are not in the office to answer calls.
get a PA
Physicians Mutual does not have a division office in Dallas, however they are located in Fort Worth, TX. Their office number is 817-656-3933.
Filing systems are best bought in person at office supply stores. Usually different components can be integrated providing a cohesive look throughout your office and thereby lending a well thought out work environment. Office supply stores often will provide you with a consultant at no charge to help you plan your office filing system.
It depends on the office and whether you are filing for a city office, a county office, a state office, or a national office.
Receptionist, or a nurse
You can find a preferred stock list for your office needs at Fine paper.com. You can see there everything that your office might need and it will help you organized the things you need.
Submitting papers to the tax office.
filing clerk