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Q: What is the position of your body while standing and sitting?
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Meaning of good posture?

is the position in which you hold your body upright against gravity ,while standing,sitting or lying down... ( diA_aNnE)

What is the definition of body posture?

Body posture refers to the position and alignment of the body in relation to its surroundings. It encompasses the way we hold ourselves and distribute weight while sitting, standing, or moving. Good body posture is essential for maintaining musculoskeletal health and preventing injuries.

What is the definition of posture?

A position of a person's body when standing or sitting.

Why doesn't one lose consciousness when going from sitting to standing?

One doesn't lose consciousness because there is not enough of a change in the chemical attributes inside your body when you change position from sitting to standing.

What does the word posture mean in dance?

the position or carriage of the body in sitting or standing

The position of the body to when sitting or standing?

When standing, the ideal position of the body is upright, with shoulders back, head held high, and weight evenly distributed on both feet. When sitting, the body should be aligned, with the back straight, shoulders relaxed, and feet flat on the floor. Both positions promote good posture and help prevent strain on the muscles and joints.

What is the best position to digest food standing up or sitting down?

No, its actually better to stand up and eat then sit/lie and eat. If you standing up then your food digest quicker and safer. If your sat down or lieing down , because your bent over the food takes a while to digest and can sometimes digest wrong. Hope this helped. By the way my elder brothers a doctor..!! :D

What are good posture?

is ur body posture example;standing,sitting,

Why touching the toes while seated on the floor with outstretched legs produces less stress on the lower spinal column than when touching the toes from a standing position?

Because when standing up and bending over to touch your toes gravity is pushing down directly upon your lower spinal column, and less stress is placed upon your lower spinal column when you are at the lowest possible point on the floor. I hope i helped!

Is the body recumbent in anatomical position?

No, in anatomical position the body is standing upright, facing forward, with arms at the sides and palms facing forward. "Recumbent" refers to lying down or reclining.

Why is blood pressure higher lying down than sitting or standing?

Blood pressure tends to be higher when lying down due to reduced gravitational effects on the body. When standing or sitting, the heart has to work harder against gravity to pump blood to the upper body, which can lead to a decrease in blood pressure compared to when lying down. Additionally, changes in position can affect blood flow and distribution in the body, impacting blood pressure readings.

Why do your fingers and toes go white and numb?

this is a result of not enough blood flowing towards that body part. this could be a result of not sitting comfortably or standing is one position for too long