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Q: What is the physical and chemical characteristics of water?
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What is a word that describes the characteristics of a material?

characteristics or chemical and physical properties

Is sodium metal exploding in water a physical property?

No, sodium metal exploding in water is a chemical reaction, not a physical property. Physical properties are characteristics that can be observed or measured without changing the substance's composition, such as color, density, or melting point.

Is sand and dirt mixed a chemical or physical characteristics?

it is a physical change

Is chemical formula H2O physical or chemical property?

The chemical formula H2O itself is a chemical property because it represents the specific composition of water molecules. Physical properties, on the other hand, describe characteristics that can be observed or measured without changing the substance's chemical identity.

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Physical and chemical characteristics of those in fountain pen ink?

The physical and chemical properties of those in fountain pen ink, the physical are how the pen in general and the chemical are the pen ink.

Is ocen water a physical or chemical change?

Ocean water is a substance, not a physical or chemical change.

Is water a chemical reaction or a physical reaction?

Water is not a reaction at all. If you mean to ask if a state change in water is chemical or physical, it is physical.

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Does copper have chemical or physical?

Copper has both chemical and physical properties. Chemical properties refer to how copper reacts with other substances, while physical properties refer to characteristics like its color, density, and conductivity.

Is mixing with water a physical property?

Mixing with water is a physical change because the chemical composition of the substances remains the same before and after mixing. Physical properties refer to characteristics that can be observed or measured without changing the composition of the substance.

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