In English it means "(I wish you) Good Health".Phonetically 'yekhid dah'.
The correct spelling is 'Iechyd da', and it is a traditional Welsh toast meaning "good health".
The Welsh words iechyd da mean good health.
I eich iechyd da.
Iechyd da! (literally "good health!")
Thank you:Diolch Good Luck:Pob lwc Good Health: Iechyd da
Bore da, pronounced (roughly) like bor-eh-dah
The Welsh phrase for "where do you live?" is "ble rwyt ti'n byw?"
It's "iechyd da" and means "good health", as in a toast.
The phrase 'come in' in Welsh is "dewch i mewn".
"Popti ping" is a playful Welsh term for a microwave oven. It is a phrase that has gained popularity thanks to comedian Rhod Gilbert's comedy sketch about the Welsh language.