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This is called the follicular phase.

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Q: What is the part of the female reproductive cycle called that occurs when the egg is released from the ovary?
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Reproductive isolation occurs when?

when the male and female unites

What is the monthly cycle of changes that occurs in the female reproductive system called?

The monthly cycle of changes that occurs in the female reproductive system is called the menstrual cycle. This cycle involves the maturation and release of an egg, preparation of the uterus for potential pregnancy, and shedding of the uterine lining if pregnancy does not occur.

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Implantation occurs in the uterus of the female reproductive system. The embryo then develops in the uterus.

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In the female reproductive cycle, menstrual flow occurs when the concentrations of estrogen and progesterone are low. Menstruation typically lasts for 5 to 7 days in most females.

Conception or fertilization occurs in the?

Conception, or fertilization, occurs in the fallopian tubes when a sperm penetrates and fertilizes an egg. This forms a single cell called a zygote, which will eventually develop into a baby.

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Why is the male reproductive system different from the female reproductive system?

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How often are eggs normally released in the female reproductive system?

Around once a month; ovulation occurs roughly mid-cycle.

The female reproductive cycle menstrual flow occurs when the concentrations of what are low or high?

low estrogen and low progesteronekris

What is the First part of the hens reproductive tract?

It is called the cloaca The male chicken does not have a penis and there is no penetration of the female reproductive tract at the time of mating. Instead the female inverts her cloaca which comes in contact with the male's inverted cloaca and receives the sperm. The cloaca is then drawn back into the hen's body and the sperm are captured. They then begin the journey up the length of the reproductive system. The sperm live inside the female reproductive system for up to 10 days and each time an ovulation occurs (every 24-26 hours in good egg producers) the egg can become fertile.

In which location does fertilization usually take place in human female?

Fertilization typically occurs in the fallopian tube of the human female reproductive system. Sperm and egg meet and fuse to create a single cell called a zygote, which will eventually develop into an embryo.

Where does fertilization occur for a Mountain gorilla?

Fertilization occurs internally, in the female's reproductive tract, specifically in the fallopian tubes, after mating between male and female mountain gorillas. The sperm from the male gorilla travels up the female's reproductive tract to reach the egg for fertilization.