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I don't know either, but obviously I'm here because I have been having the same type pain. I"ve had a lot of other strange things go on as well and my doctor's have been of no help to me. If you find out, please post.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

it is a gland (usually the salivary gland) that comes about sometimes when your sick or have a coldsore.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

#1 Are you sure its a girl?#2 Some girls have Adams apples, its okay

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βˆ™ 10y ago

Generally a painful bump on your chin is acne. Acne is common skin problem that starts when oil and dead skin cells clog up pores.

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βˆ™ 2y ago

My teacher had that and it turned out to be shingles.

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βˆ™ 16y ago

a goiter

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βˆ™ 15y ago

A bug bite.

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Q: What is the painful lump under chin?
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I currently have a hard small lump under my jawline and i have been to numerous doctors and they have concluded that it is a deposit due to clenching your jaw at night. You will need to get a night guard and wear it at night. IF you do not the lump will continue to get more painful and you will start getting really bad headaches:(

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A painful lump may represent a cyst. However, to be on the safe side, get a check-up with your physician, and a mammogram.

What can a vet do for a small dog who has a lump under her chin?

It depends on what the lump is as to how it can be treated. If the lump is obstructing the dogs ability to eat and/or drink then the Veterinarian will more than likely opt for the lump to be removed. However, if the lump is cancerous then the vet should be able to sit down with the owner of the small dog and go over all of the different treatment options available to save the small dog's life. Therefore, if anyone has a small dog with a lump under their chin. They should consult their Veterinarian and talk with their Veterinarian on which treatment will/may work best.

What is a large lump under chin?

I recently had the same thing. After my research I have found that it may be an infected salvatory gland caused by a coinciding cold sore. This makes sense, since I didn't have it before the cold sore developed. I've only had 4 cold sores in my life and they are huge as is the lump under my chin....and tender to the touch.

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any lump should be looked at by a physician whether it is painful or not, one never knows whether it could be cancerous or not..

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If it is not kept clean, it will become infected.

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A soft, non-painful lump in a dog's neck could be a lipoma, or fatty tumor. It can also be a cyst that a veterinarian can drain.

What is a soft lump under the skin between the neck collar bone?

I have one myself. Mine is a harmless, soft, fatty tumor called a lipoma. If your lump is hard and/or painful see a doctor.

What is the large soft painful lump behind heel of foot?

The best way to get medical advise is to see a doctor. There is no way to tell what a soft, painful lump on the heel of your foot without an examination.