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The pH level in humans is about 7.4 for most cellular functions

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Q: What is the pH level in humans?
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What is the ideal pH level for humans?

7.3 to 7.4

What level does the pH become dangerous?

Ph 4 and under and/or pH 8 and over -because Ph7 is the normal Ph level that humans should only take.

What is the pH level for most humans?

The pH level for most humans is around 7.4, which is slightly alkaline. The body tightly regulates pH levels to maintain homeostasis and proper function of organs and systems. Any significant deviations from this range can be harmful to health.

What is the suitable pH level in soaps for infants and babies?

The best pH level for soap the use on an infant is 7. A safe level for humans pH level of soap is anywhere from 7 to 14. This is to mainttain a safe pH level in the skin naturally.

What pH level does baby soap needs?

I would assume 7. It is the safest level of pH for humans 0 is battery acid and 14 is chlorine. 7 is water.

What pH level is stomach acid?

The pH level of stomach acid is typically between 1.5 to 3.5. It is highly acidic in order to break down food and kill bacteria in the stomach.

What is the highest pH level humans can handle?

The highest pH level that humans can handle is around 11-12. Levels higher than this can cause chemical burns, skin irritation, and damage to tissues. Personal protective equipment should always be used when handling substances with extreme pH levels.

What is the pH level of phosphorous?

the pH level is 1.1

At what level is pH dangerous?

A pH level below 6.0 or above 8.0 can be dangerous for most living organisms, including humans. It can lead to chemical imbalances in the body, affecting various physiological processes. Maintaining a pH level close to neutral (around 7.0) is important for overall health.

What has a pH level of 3?

A substance with a pH level of 3 would be considered acidic. Examples of substances with a pH of 3 include vinegar and orange juice.

What is the pH level of listerine?

the pH level of listerine is 4.8