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The number one cause of germs is by touching the handles on door handles , because people cough , sneeze and even use the bathroom without washing there hands ad then touch the handles eve sink handles are dirty because many people touch them before there hands are clean so l would prefer your own mini anti bacterial hand sanitizer to prevent germ !

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Q: What is the number one cause of germs?
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Why should you care about germs?

Because germs cause sickness and bacteria.

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Germs don't cause pregnancy. If u mean sperms. 1

What are the germs that cause swine flu from spreading?

silly icky goey nasty germs that arnt good.[:

What Germs cause disease?

white blood cells, They fight the germs to get them out of your body so you wont be sick .

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saliva exchange, which can cause you to receive the other person's germs, and them to receive your germs.

What does skin do in the immune system?

The skin is the bodies first barrier to germs. It keeps out harmful germs and bacteria. As long as the germs don't penetrate the skin, they don't cause harm.

What does spreading create?

it can cause germs to spread or wrong acts

What is the average number of germs per square inch?

around 41 germs per square inch

Can germs jump?

Germs are not like insects--germs do not "jump". But germs have used the normal processes and functions of the human body to be able to spread more germs. For example, sneezing and coughing spreads airborne germs. Other germs can live on objects for several days. So if a person wipes their rear end after a bowel movement but does not wash their hands, then touches the family phone, dishes, and door knobs which other family members also touch, the E-Coli bacteria found in bowel movements (stool) can spread to other people and cause illness. So, coughing and sneezing into a tissue or into the crook of your elbow, and cleaning objects with anti-bacterial cleaners or wipes, can reduce the number of germs we all encounter each day. Handwashing is one of the most important ways to reduce the spread of germs.