Most doctors recommend 7-8 hours of sleep per night but as you get older you require less than that.
Ferrets sleep an average of 18 hours per day, but they will adjust their sleeping schedule to your schedule and be ready to play whenever you are.
No, their average sleeping hours is 3-4 hours of sleep per day.
No: Koalas spend up to 20 hours per day sleeping and the rest eating.
Koalas do not hibernate. They spend up to 20 hours per day sleeping and the rest eating.
24 hours per day.
ALTERNATIVE ANSWER: Say: You sleep 8 Hours per day = 1/3 You work 8 Hours per day = 1/3 You use remaining 8 Hours per day --- Self, Family, Friends, Waste Time, Etc. = 1/3 If you are 30 years old now --- it means you are "sleeping" 10 years in your life... __________________________________________________________________ Excessive sleeping could be a sign of depression. Recent studies have shown that more than 7 hours sleep is bad for you Not necessarilly, it depends on the age of people. But there is such thing as sleep deprivation, and there is such thing as over sleeping. You can get sick, I, personally often experience getting ill due to over sleeping during the summer when i sleep in too much. Yes, because sleeping destroys brain cells.
In 24 hours it's output is about 1.0 to 1.8 liters
It all depends on how many hours a day/week/month you get paid for. Presumably, you don't get paid for when you are at home sleeping!
fifty per minute
Sloths typically sleep for 10-20 hours per day. They are mostly nocturnal and their slow metabolism allows them to conserve energy by sleeping for long periods.
You are "supposed" to sleep 8-hours a day, which is a third of a day. Extending that, you sleep a third of each month, a third of each year, a third of your life. This is all, of course, based on the 8-hours per day sleeping schedule.