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Q: What is the normal percent of iron in your body?
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Anorexics have what percent body weight of normal weight?

It varies per individual. Almost always anorexics will have a noticeably less percent of body fat or weight from body fat that a "normal" or "average" weight person.

Is 20 percent or more of excessive body weight obesity?

20 percent body fat is normal for a guy and a little low for a girl

Iron retention in blood?

Excessive iron retention in the blood is a condition called hemochromatosis. The normal gain and loss of iron in a body is 1 milligram.

Is it a low water content of a body absorbs iron completely?

you need water to get things runing orange juice (as a source of vitamin C) increase iron absorption by 85 percent. green tea instead of water, iron absorption reduced by 62 percent Coffee reduce iron absorption by 35 percent. The iron in meat is about 40 percent heme and 60 percent non-heme. non-heme form found in plant sources such as grain products, fruits, vegetables, and in iron fortified foods.

Why do you need iron supplement if your body can recycle iron?

A person might be taking an iron supplement if they are not getting enough iron in their normal diet, for example a vegetarian. The other reason could be that the body isn't quite good enough at recycling anyway; naturally, some iron will get lost and will have to be replaced.

What are normal iron lev?

My iron level is 5. Is that normal

What element is necessary for normal absorption of iron by the digestive tract?

Protein is a necessary element that allows for normal absorption of iron by the digestive tract. Without protein to bind iron molecules together the iron can become toxic and form into free radicals that can poison and damage the body.

What is the percent of barr body in normal humans?

0-2 % in males and 15-20% in females

Chemical element required for normal body function?

Iron is a vital chemical element required for normal body function. It is essential for the formation of hemoglobin in red blood cells, which helps in transporting oxygen throughout the body. Iron also plays a crucial role in various enzymatic processes and overall cellular function.

What is the weight classification assigned both to young women with 30 percent body fat and young men with 20 percent body fat?

Answer: Normal. Chapter 8 Nutrition assesment. ~jmata~

What is the cause of high percent iron saturation?

High percent iron saturation can be caused by conditions such as hemochromatosis, a genetic disorder that causes the body to absorb too much iron, or chronic liver disease where the liver is unable to regulate iron levels properly. Other causes can include excessive iron intake from supplements or transfusions, or certain types of anemia.

A body weight that exceeds 100 percent of the normal standard for a given height is called?

morbidly obese