Lochia is the bleeding that occurs after childbirth. The normal limits are a menstrual like discharge for the first couple of days which begins to taper off. The discharge of lochia should be complete in 2-4 weeks.
rubra lochia, serosa lochia, alba lochia
the currents path blocks & normal voltage will flow
It is called Lochia and lasts for about 4-6 weeks
It means that the blood vessels and blood flow are normal. The part about 'within normal limits' means that there is a range. An example is that the normal range for blood glucose (sugar) is from 70-110. If you have a number somewhere in that range, your blood sugar level is fine.
The definition of lochia is drainage occurring a couple of weeks after having a child. You can learn more about Lochia at the Wikipedia. Once on the page, type "Lochia" into the search field at the top of the page and press enter to bring up the information.
Not in normal circumstances. A diode is an electonic device that allows current to flow freely in only one direction.
A device that controls or limits the flow of electricity is called a resistor.
NL is often used to indicate "normal limits" or "normal.""Nl" stands for "normal". You'll often see it written as WNL which means "within normal limits".
During the first week after childbirth (or around 5 days) one would experience "lochia rubra" a bright red discharge, since it contains blood, obviously. That will pass and turn to lochia serosa, a brownish discharge, and eventually will end up to lochia alba, a whitish discharge.
normal sinus rhythm
is it lochia