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A "Triglyceride" is a type of fat found naturally in the body. In a healthy person these levels should be about 150mg/dL or lower. However, this can go much higher.

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Q: What is the normal level of triglycerides in the body/?
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What is a normal level of triglycerides and what are the implications of having abnormal levels?

Normal triglyceride levels are less than 150 milligrams per deciliter in the body. High triglycerides in the body can lead to heart disease. It can also affect people who have diabetes.

How should I handle my triglycerides?

Triglycerides are important to measure because the effect your heart and cholesterol. Less than 150 is considered to be a normal level.


It means her blood sugar is at an appropriate level to not cause any problems. This is a good thing and more information can be found on official websites.

What is considered the most normal levels of triglycerides?

A normal level of triglycerides can be achieved through eating the correct foods on the pyramid. Avoid eating too much fish, eat lots of fruits and vegetables, and grain/dairy is your friend.

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WHAT is anormal Triglycerides level?


What are triglycerides anyways?

Triglycerides are a type of fat found in your blood that your body burns to create energy. A high triglyceride level is not good for the heart as it causes unnecessary strain and as you age could become a problem.

How do you lower the level of triglycerides?

An extremely effective way to lower triglycerides is to eliminate sugar from the diet.

What is a safe level for triglycerides?

Below 150

What is does it mean when your triglycerides are high?

Triglycerides are a type of fat in your body used for energy. You need some for good health, but a high amount puts you at risk for heart disease. A high triglyceride level is normally above 200.

Does honey increase triglycerides?

Yes. I added honey to my cacao drink daily and my triglycerides increased every week even when I maintained normal to low carbs diet. I stopped honey and switched to palm nectar then my triglycerides decreased from 155 to 114 within one week (normal range of triglycerides is<150).

What is the chemical form in which most fat exists in food as well as in the body is?

Most fat exists in the form of triglycerides in both food and the body. Triglycerides consist of three fatty acids bound to a glycerol molecule. In the body, triglycerides are stored in fat cells as a source of energy.