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Q: What is the normal ferritin lervel for an adult male?
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is a level of 17.50 in ferritin blood test consider low in a male 66 years old

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What level should ferritin be in the body?

The normal level of ferritin varies between men and women: The lower the ferritin level, even within the "normal" range, the more likely it is that the patient does not have enough iron. Once the level dips below this range they are classified as being anemic and should see a hemotologist and a gastroenterologist for additional diagnostic tests and treatment. Normal ferritin levels follow: Male: 12-300 ng/mL Female: 12-150 ng/mL Note: ng/ml = nanograms per milliliter

What is normal HCT range?

Normal HCT Values:Newborn = 42.0% - 60.0%Adult Male = 42.0% - 52.0%Adult Female = 37.0% - 47.0%

How does hematocrit compare with the normal value?

Normal values vary with age and sex. Adult male range is 42-52%, adult female 36-48%.

Normal respirations adult male?

Normal breathing rate of an adult is between 12 and 18 breaths per min. And a normal adult heart beat should sit between 60 and 80 beats per min.

What is the normal rbc?

The normal red blood cell count for an adult male is between 4.7 and 6.1 cells/mcL. The normal count for an adult female is between 4.2 and 5.4 cells/mcL.

Is 12.8 ferritin with a hemoglobin count of 13.6 low for a 14.5 years adolescent male?


What is the frequency of a normal voice?

The frequency of a normal adult male voice ranges from 85-180 Hz, while for a normal adult female voice it ranges from 165-255 Hz. These frequencies can vary depending on factors such as age, gender, and individual vocal characteristics.