If you want something sweet say 'she is the most beautiful person to walk on Earth and you would give her your all, tell her you love her and that you are glad to be with her. And to make it sweeter, find/write a love poem that suits your relationship with her.
i think the nicest thing to say to a boy isthat you like him.
I love you and I would give my life for you if it came to that. (If you truly mean it.)
Look at her. . .with a serious expression. . .then say im sorry, but no. That's the nicest way to say no.
If you really like her and you know your best friend will understand say yes' but if you don't like her or you think your best friend will get angry say no
I would say just be yourself and get a friend to sat good thing about u
I would say to take her shooping and then out to eat. To show her how much you care for her.
which one is better: nicer or nicest
say she is just a friend
can you detail the question a little more? Is your girl friend sweet or say somthing sweet? is she a friend that's a girl or your together? repost please... can you detail the question a little more? Is your girl friend sweet or say somthing sweet? is she a friend that's a girl or your together? repost please...
to him it probalbly the nicest way of, and dont quote me, he can think of breaking up. its what i think and i dont mean to be rude or any thing but i think you should move on
if your friend is a boy: say ok...who likes me if your friend is a girl: ask her if it's her
if your friend is a boy: say ok...who likes me if your friend is a girl: ask her if it's her