What are the three layers of the eye from the outer layer to the inner layer?
The eye contains three layers which are: the outer fibrous
tunic, an intermediate vascular tunic, and an inner neural tunic
The outer fibrous tunic function is to serve as the sclera and
cornea. The cornea serves as a opening to the eye and helps with
thefocus of light rays. The sclera protects from large and small
particles and provides a connection for extrinsic muscles.
The middle vascular tunic consists of three eye structures:
choroid coat that helps to consumeexcess light, this is why the
inside of the eye is dark and the ciliarry body which createsthe
ciliary muscles and processes, and the iris which has smooth muscle
controls the pupil size and also the colored part of the eye.
The inner nervous tunic contains the retina andthe visual
receptor cells. This portion of the eye is made of different cell
types like the nerve cell.