

What is the nasal conchae?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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7y ago

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The nasal conchae are three pairs of bony projections in the nasal cavity. They are generally curved inferomedially with each roofing a groove or meatus. It helps to filter, heat and moisten inhaled air and minimize heat and moisture loss from the body during exhalation.

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7y ago
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Superior and medical nasal conchae are part of this bone?

The superior and medial nasal conchae is part of the ethmoid bone of the cranium. Ethmoid bone separates nasal cavity from the brain.

What is the function of the middle nasal conchae?

nasal cavity

Which bone make up the nasal conchae?

The ethmoid and the inferior nasal chonchae.

Superior and medial nasal conchae formed from it's projections?

The Superior and medial nasal conchae is located in the Ethmoid Bone. So I believe the answer would be Ethmoid.

Scroll shaped bone?

middle and inferior nasal conchae

Where is the nasal conchea?

They are bones in the nasal cavity (or parts of other bones in the nasal cavity) that cause turbulence in the air moving through the nasal cavity. This will warm and moisten the air to help protect the lungs. There are three conchae in the nasal cavity, a superior, middle and inferior conchae (aka turbinates).

Superior and medial nasal conchae form what projections?

the ethmoid bone

Where is the superior and middle nasal conchs formed from its projections in the skull?

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What are the bony ridges that warm air called?

The bony ridges that warm the air as it travels through the nasal cavity are called turbinate bones or nasal conchae. They help to increase the surface area of the nasal cavity to aid in warming, humidifying, and filtering incoming air before it reaches the lungs.

Increases air turbulance in the nasal cavity?

The scroll-shaped conchae increase the turbulenceof air flowing through the nasal cavity.

Superior and medial nasal conchae formed its projections?

Formed from the medially extending bone of the lateral masses of the Ethmoid into the nasal cavity.