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A Common Disease Were Bleeding Occurs Is Hemophilia. Hemophilia Means...

(hē'mə-fĭl'ē-ə, -fēl'yə)

Any of several hereditary blood-coagulation disorders in which the blood fails to clot normally because of a deficiency or abnormality of one of the clotting factors. Hemophilia, a recessive trait associated with the X-chromosome, is manifested almost exclusively in males.

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Q: What is the name of the form of dengue in which there is bleeding?
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What is the name of the form dengue in which there is bleeding?


What 's the name of disease when the patient's fever and bleeding?

it is called dengue haemorraghic fever

Why is there epigastric pain on dengue fever?

may be due to GIT bleeding

Will the person die if they get Dengue Fever?

Dengue fever can be fatal, symptoms are usually more serious after a secondary infection from a different strain of dengue (there are 4 strains of dengue). Secondary infection can lead to Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever which can cause internal bleeding, if the symptoms are not recognized it can ultimately lead to death.

Dengue or hemorrhagic fever often causes internal bleeding the blood cells being attacked by the organism causing dengue are most probably the?

Aedes Mosquito

What is the name of the microorganism responsible for dengue fever?

The name of the microorganism is the dengue virus.

What are the types of Fever?

They can be classified into four as with the different virus serotypes or depending on the severity. Dengue fever is described as being milder with flu-like symptoms at first then having the "triad" of fever,rash and headache. Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever(DHF) or Dengue Shock Syndrome(DSS) is the more severe form, wherein a person at some time had the virus and is reinfected.This presents with small purplish spots in the skin where blood is leaking and internal bleeding as well.there are 4 types of dengue

Why is it you need to watch for bleeding in dengue hemorrhagic fever?

Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever is a complication of Dengue Fever. It's name implies that is indeed a haemorrhagic fever which means the victim suffers from low platelet counts. Platelets are the small cell fragments in the body that serve to "close up" wounds, congealing into a mass that staunches bleeding. When these counts are low, the body is unable to close up tears in blood vessels which lead to fatal haemorrhage. This leads to dengue shock syndrome (DSS), which means that vital organs shut down from lack of oxygen and blood flow. These complications occur in less than 5% of all dengue fever cases, but at the first sign of such complications, immediate and total intervention is necessary.

Can tawa tawa really cure fever?

do you mean dengue fever? -no. tawa-tawa cannot cure fever. it only helps our platelet to increase so that we can prevent internal bleeding and we can soften the effect of dengue.

What is dengue hemolytic fever?

The onset of hemorrhagic symptoms rapidly follows-bleeding nose and gums, bruising easily, and sometimes internal bleeding. Hemolytic means breaking down of the blood tissues.

What is the other name of dengue?

dengue is otherwise known as Three- day fever, Break bone fever and dandy fever.

Aedes mosquito can cause what symptoms?

Dengue Fever and Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever, which is the more severe form, is the most common mosquito-borne viral diseases in the world. These illnesses are caused a virus transmitted by the Aedes mosquito. Common symptoms of dengue fever include: a high fever, pain behind the eyes and in the joints, muscles, and/or bones, a severe headache, a rash over most of the body, mild bleeding from the nose or gums, and easy bruising.