Your sister's female children are your nieces.
The word nieces' is the plural possessive form of the word niece (a female child of your brother or sister). Example sentence: Both of my nieces' birthdays are in May.
Assuming he is your only sibling with female children, you would have two (2) nieces.
Sisters, mother, aunts, grandmothers, nieces, cousins, etc.
niece's - something that belongs to a niece. nieces' - something that belongs to multiple neices. nieces - plural form of neice. person who asked this question - an incredibly dumb person.
Yes, jessica Alba has one brother. His name is steven.
Amanda and Mindy
Geli Raubal
The word nieces' is the plural possessive form of the word niece (a female child of your brother or sister). Example sentence: Both of my nieces' birthdays are in May.
Your great niece's children are your great great nephews (the boys) and great great nieces (the girls). You are their great great uncle (if you are male) or great great aunt (if you are female).
Uncle if you are male and aunt if you are female.