Lee lee
Think of something you love then times it with something you do.
Most pet stores have love birds or will have the name of a reputable breeder.
Each to their own. Love. Family Your partners name. Your pet
It is a pet name used for a parent's favorite child.
Yes! my name is Alazaya and I love animals and i would love this job.
I love your music.do you have a pet yes or no please right back love tiffany zamora
It means, "I love you, papa". In this case "papi" is probably a pet name for a lover.
No one knows for sure when Webkinz' Love Monkey is pet of the month.
You click the heart on the side of the screen that says Single of the pet you love.
I alway find an odd word or words and combine them or change the vowels. I love it when pets have the weirdest names! =]
You will get that by buying a love potion in the Market