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A ball of chewed food mixed with saliva is referred to as a bolus.

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Q: What is the name for food that has been chewed and mixed with saliva?
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What is when food is chewed and mixed?

Mechanical digestion

What is saliva a mix of?

Chewed food mixed with saliva is called Bolus.

What is a mouthful of chewed food mixed with saliva which is ready for swallowing called?

i dont think that there is a technical name for it, its just whats in your question or chewed up food.

What is mixed with chewed food to make it easier to swallow?

Mucin softens the food to allow it to slide down the oesophagous more easily

What is food chewed and moistened with?


What processes happen when the food is in the mouth?

The food is chewed and mixed with saliva to begin digestion, and to help the food pass through the esophagus to the stomach. Saliva contains the enzyme amylase, also called ptyalin.

What is the function of the esophogas?

It's pronounced ESOPHOGUS. and the function of it is to send food into the stomach from the oral cavity.

In what system is food chewed and broken down by saliva?


Food is chewed and moistened here?

Food is chewed and moistened in the mouth. The teeth in the mouth do the chewing, and the saliva does the moistening and beginning of carbohydrate digestion.

How does food get from the mouth to the stomach?

It is chewed and mixed with saliva, then swallowed into the esophagus and called a bolus. Then muscle contractions called peristaltic action propel it down. When it gets to the cardioesophageal sphincter, it opens up and allows the bolus (food and saliva mixture) to enter the stomach.

What is the fluid that makes chewed food wet and begins the digestive process is?


What is the fluid that makes chewed food wet and begins the digestive process?

Saliva, or spit.