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How much physical activity a person participated in over their lifetime and how active they are in their later years.

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Q: What is the most important factor that influences life expectancy of an individual and is within his control?
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What is the life expectancy of a white male born in 1974?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the life expectancy for a white male born in 1974 is around 68-70 years. However, individual factors such as lifestyle choices, access to healthcare, and genetics can also impact life expectancy.

Name the four influences on health status state the relative proportion of each influence and describe the control an individual has over each influence.?

Four influences on health status are lifestyle, environment, age, and attitude. A person has no control over age, but they do have control over their attitude and lifestyle. Environment is something that some people have control over, and some people do not.

Name the four influences on health status state the relative proportion of each influence and describe how much control an individual has over each influence?

The four influences on health status are genetics (30%), environment (20%), healthcare access and quality (15%), and lifestyle behaviors (35%). An individual has less control over genetics, moderate control over environment and healthcare access/quality, and significant control over lifestyle behaviors through choices such as diet, exercise, and substance use.

What is another word for environmental influences in famous debate?

Another term for environmental influences in famous debate could be external factors or external determinants. These refer to the various factors outside of an individual's control that can shape their behavior, choices, or development.

Approximately what percentage of a person's life expectancy is under control of her genes?

Genes are estimated to account for about 25-30% of a person's life expectancy. Other factors such as lifestyle, environment, and access to healthcare also play significant roles in determining lifespan.

Life Expectancy of Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis and?

Their life expectancy can be slightly reduced both as a result of the disease itself and as a result of the drug needed to keep it under control.

What are factors that control traits?

Factors that control traits include genetic inheritance, biological influences, environmental factors, and interactions between genes and the environment. These factors can determine an individual's physical characteristics, behaviors, and abilities. Additionally, epigenetic modifications and random mutations can also influence traits.

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The center of gravity in the body is important for maintaining balance and stability. It influences posture, coordination, and movement patterns. Proper alignment and control of the center of gravity are crucial for efficient and effective physical performance.

What are two important variables you must control to make the experiment work?

Two important variables to control in an experiment are the independent variable, which is the factor being manipulated by the researcher, and the control variable, which is kept constant to prevent it from affecting the results. Controlling these variables ensures that any changes observed in the dependent variable are a result of the manipulated factor and not due to other influences.

How long do amputee's live?

A paraplegic can have a normal life expectancy, unless there are other things that may affect their lifespan, such as infections that are out of control. But paraplegia in itself does not reduce the life expectancy.