Marijuana would be the least addicting ILLEGAL drug the least addicting pharmacuetical drug is allergy medicines.
I think crack has nicotine beat. New evidence also suggests marijuana is more addicting that first thought.
Most Coke products contain caffeine, and caffeine is a stimulant drug that is addictive.
It contains caffeine which is a stimulant, and it is most widely available and abused drug.
he is comparing love to a drug...the love is addicting.
potty racers
All narcotics are addicting but the most is Oxycontin and morphine.
DePends on the user. Ive done it all still doing it. Amphetamine and opiods (heroin,oxycodone morphine etc) are the hardest to get off of in my opion. But any drug can be addicting.
The Most Addicting Sheep Game happened in 360.
Hi I know the most addicting song in the world :} it's Billionaire I mean even if u don't like it it's addicting!