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Q: What is the meaning of the yiddish proverb Health very nice But where will we get potatoes?
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What are 10 proverbs dealing with health?

# "He who has health has hope; and he who has hope has everything" - Arabian Proverb # "A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor's book" - Irish Proverb # "Fresh air impoverishes the doctor" - Danish Proverb # "An apple a day keeps the doctor away" - Franklin # "A man too busy to take care of his health is like a mechanic too busy to take care of his tool" - Spanish Proverb # "Before healing others, heal yourself" - Gambian # "Better ten times ill than one time dead" - Yiddish Proverb # "Eat well, drink in moderation, and sleep sound, in these three good health abound" - Latin Proverb

How do you say good health in yiddish?

Mazel tov

What are the Indian proverbs related to health?

proverb is the meaningful words related to the thing

What does the expression Use it in good health mean?

It comes from a yiddish saying... It means something like ""We are happy that you like it".

What is the meaning of the idiom in pink health?

The meaning of the idiom in the pink of health means being in good health.

What is the meaning of an apple a day keeps the doctor away?

An apple is a healthy, fresh and nutrient-rich food. The proverb tells us that if we eat an apple every day, it will help us to stay in good health: therefore, we would not have any need to go to the doctor.

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what is colistic health

What is the meaning of an apple a day keeps the doctor away mean?

An apple is a healthy, fresh and nutrient-rich food. The proverb tells us that if we eat an apple every day, it will help us to stay in good health: therefore, we would not have any need to go to the doctor.

What is the meaning of Science and Health?

Scince and health with the key to thescruptures

What is the Sanskrit meaning for health?


What are the meaning of WHO?

World Health Organization

What is meaning of WHO?

World Health Organisation