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Spouse means husband or wife, as in a man and his spouse or a woman and her spouse

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What relation is my cousin's spouce?

still your cousin

Did clyopactria have a spouce?

Several, on of which being Julius Caesar

Who inhertits if separated spouce make a will that doesnt in clude them?

Whoever is named in the will.

Who is franclin Roosevelt spouse?

Franklin s spouce is elaenor Roosevelt

How can I have a different family?

Well you can get married to someone else or you can be someone elses spouce.

Is being sincere to a friend or spouse important?

Answer Being sincere to a friend is way different than being sincere to your spouce. You owe your spouce the decency to be sincere to that person as you would expect that person to be sincere with you. Friends however don't deserve the same kind of sincerity. After-all friends are exactly that, they are friends who come and go through life, but hopefully your spouce will be with you till the end of life.

when your spouce has a friend that has taken things to far. how do you get the trust back without making them choice between the friend and spouce?

If the spouse was willing with the friends adances then they should not be alone together if the spouse told them no that should have earned trust already.

In Michigan is a ex spouce entilted to her husbands pension?

No he is no longer allowed to collect it after the divorce.

I want to get married can my sons father stop me from marring if he does not care for my spouce?

no not by American laws anyway

Did Dylan spouce kiss Jake t Austin?

Yes they did they also had a little snog lol!