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We should smoke some pot and hang out some time.

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Q: What is the meaning of let's blaze it some time?
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No. Silver's motive for traveling back in time was to save his world. Blaze was with him when he traveled through time, although they were separated upon arrival.

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What does the saying blaze it mean?

The saying 'blaze it' is a slang used to command someone to smoke marijuana. It's often said as '420 blaze it' as 4:20 pm is the official time for smokers to get high.

Does silver marry blaze?

No because in sonic & the black knight, when sonic rescues blaze from the fire the sword says it's not the time for hugs & kiss & blaze turns red while sonic holds her hand so the point is that blaze likes sonic while sonic doesn't

What is better Blaze spanking Amy or Amy spanking Blaze?

Neither because Amy and Blaze spanking one another is a ridiculous concept and even though it's opinionated I highly doubt either Amy or Blaze would be spanking one another any time soon.

Does blaze the cat ever come back?

Yes Blaze comes back to life because when they change time she comes back with silver, And they get married

What is the meaning in Forest Gump when the moon landing is shown but being ignored by the soldiers?

It may not have had an significant meaning other than to show what was happening at that time in America's history. It lets the audience know what time period it was during that particular scene.

Does Silver go back in time to save Blaze the cat?

yes, silver does go back to blaze the cat, then he goes to the land of goodoo and destroys the raisin empire.

Who is blaze the cats boyfriend?

i think it is Silver

If Iblis is erased from time what happens to blaze the cat?

she would be in her kingdom of the future

Who is blaze thunder?

Blaze thunder is a character created by Akeem Rollox. He is the son of Wolf x thunder and Blair thunder, the brother of Cillenna thunder, the nephew of Kri thunder and friends with many of sonic, shadow,knuckle etc. children. He has a very high temper but really fun to hang around with. He is semi-immortal meaning he die and come back over a period of time.