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Q: What is the main tube in your throat?
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What is the tube connecting the middle ear to the throat?

the Eustachian tube (a.k.a. the pharyngotympanic tube)

What is the throat of a tornado?

its called the tornado tube

Tube between throat and lungs?

the trachea

What is the tube called between the throat and lungs called?

trachea is the tube that connect the throat and lungs, while oesophagus is the tube that connect our mouth to the stomach.. so there is different tube that must not be confuse..The path of air into the lungs is mouth/nose to pharynx to windpipe (or trachea) to the bronchi to the bronchioles to the alveoli.The trachea (or windpipe) carries gases from the throat to the bronchi, which carry gases into and out of the lungs.The trachea, or windpipe, splits into two main branches called bronchi to carry air into and out of the lungsThe main large tube that carries air to the lungs is known as the trachea. From there it is divided into two branches called bronchi, which then further divide into bronchioles and further divides into alveoli.

What is the tube between larynx and bronchii called?

The tube that connects the throat and the bronchial tube is the esophagus.The tube that connects to the bronchial tubes is actually the trachea:9. What tube connects to the bronchial tubes? Trachea CORRECT

What is the function of the tube that leads from the middle ear to the throat?

The tube that leads from the middle ear to the throat is called the Eustachian tube. Its function is to equalize air pressure between the middle ear and the atmosphere, which helps protect the ear from damage and allows for proper hearing. It also helps drain fluid from the middle ear to prevent infections.

What is the is the esophagus?

The esophagus is a muscular tube that connects the throat, or pharynx, to the stomach. It carries food from the mouth to the stomach

What color tube for throat culture?

A sterile red or gray-top tube is typically used for collecting throat culture samples. Make sure to follow specific laboratory guidelines for proper sample collection and handling.

What is the name of the tube which connect the throat to the stomach?


What is a muscular tube that connect the throat and stomach?

That is the esophagus

In what segment of the ear is there a connection to the throat?

The Eustachian Tube

What is the tube that connects the throat to the broncial tubes?
