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Sciatic Nerve.

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Q: What is the main nerve in the body?
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Related questions

What does the nerve cell include?

The nerve cell can be thought of as just the nerve body, which is the main part of the nerve cell. The nerve cell is also known as a neuron. The entire neuron includes an axon, nerve body, dendrites, and axon terminals.

What is a nerve cells main function?

It's main purpose is to transport messages from one part of the body to another in the form of nerve impulses.

Does a nerve cell carry messages in the body?

yes, that is their main function.

Are hormones nerve cells?

No. neurons are the cells in the body that pass signals. Hormones are the chemicals that pass signals.

What is the main nerve trunk for the body?

spinal cord *NovaNet* (: -you're welcome.

What is Main nerve that runs through a body?

The main nerve that runs through the body is the spinal cord. It extends from the brain down the back and is responsible for transmitting signals between the brain and the rest of the body. Branching off the spinal cord are peripheral nerves that extend to different parts of the body.

Which cranial nerve controls hearing and body balance?

The cranial nerve that controls hearing and body balance is the vestibulocochlear nerve, also known as cranial nerve VIII. It has two main branches: the cochlear branch, responsible for hearing, and the vestibular branch, responsible for balance and spatial orientation.

Name the 3 main parts of a neuron?

The three main parts of a neuron are the dendrites, the axon, and the soma. The dendrites are the nerve endings, the axon is the body, and the soma is the cell body.

Is the sciatic nerve the largest nerve in the body?

Yes, the sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the human body.

What is the function of sacral nerve?

Autonomic nerve function in body

What organ would contain the most nerve tissue according to its functional role in the body?

The brain would contain the most nerve tissue as it serves as the body's main control center for receiving and interpreting sensory information, and for coordinating body functions.

What is the main part of the periphal nerve system?

The main part of the periphal nerve system