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Their main function is to carry oxygen throughout the body

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 9y ago

The red corpuscles carry oxygen to body tissues. Red corpuscles are another term for red blood cells or erythrocytes.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

To combat infection.

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Is the main function of white blood cells to fight infections?

Blood has a fluid matrix called plasma in which red blood corpuscles [RBCs]and white blood corpuscles[WBCs] and blood platelets are suspended. the main function is that blood transports gases ,digested foods,hormones to different parts of the body.

Where are red and white corpuscles found?

Red and white corpuscles can be found in blood. Red corpuscles account for forty to fifty percent of the blood's volume.

When white corpuscles eat red corpuscles what is the name of the condition?

Perneciuos Aneamia

What are the different kinds of cells in the blood?

Red Blood Corpuscles White Blood Corpuscles Platelets

What color are blood corpuscles?

red and White

What other cells help your blood repair itself?

Red Corpuscles, Platelets, and White Corpuscles Platelets - Protect us very well from outside damage, keep the body immune to harmful bacteria White Corpuscles - Fight germs

Which corpuscles help fight infection?

White blood cells (corpuscles), or leukocytes help us resist infection

What are the two kinds of blood corpuscles in vertebrates?

Red and white

Witch corpuscles attack bacteria?

White blood cells do this.

What is the main job of red corpuscles in the blood?

to fight disease

What is white blood cells job in the body?

The white blood corpuscles in blood is termed to be the "police force " of human body.The main function of WBC is to defend the body from allergies,invasions of foreign substances(antigens) and to prevent from infection .They are capable of amoeboid movement and they devour such alien particles.

Plasma is what part of your blood?

Plasma is the liquid part of the blood. It holds the red and white corpuscles.