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The main function of neurotransmitters is to transmit signals from one part of the body to another part of the body. Usually, these signals are passed between neurons.

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Q: What is the main function of neurotransmitters?
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Chemical messengers that carry the message across the synaptic gap?

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The sympathetic nervous system can be classified as adrenergic, based on the main neurotransmitters used.

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It slows down the production of Neurotransmitters

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Neurotransmitters-- Certain brain chemicals that may function abnormally in acutely ill bulimic patients.

Do you need serotonin or norepinephrine?

Yes, you need these neurotransmitters for proper neurologic function.

Research on neurotransmitters indicates that?

Research on neurotransmitters indicates that their function can be enhanced or inhibited by certain substances. Inhibitors are called depressants while enhancers are called stimulants.

What carry messages to cells?

Hormones and neurotransmitters are "messengers" that influence cell function.

Where are the 6 neurotransmitters located in the neurotransmitters?

Neurotransmitters are checmials in the brain that help promote brain health by participating in the process of sending signals to various parts of the brain to function appropriately. When neurotransmitters are not functioning appropriately, medication is often used such as Prozac or Paxil. Medication helps neurotransmitters function more adequately.There are six prominent or most commonly discussed neurotransmitters in the brain known as:Serotonin (very important chemical in the brain regulating depression and mood)Dopamine (a chemical that regulates movement)Noradrenalin (a chemical involved with memory and learning)Aceytlcholine (muscle movement)Adrenaline (fight-or-flight response from the nervous system)G.A.B.A. (stops the movement of nerve impulses)