

Best Answer
  • 1 Caffeine dependency
  • 2 Cancer
  • 3 Gastrointestinal problems
  • 4 Psychological effects and sleep changes
  • 5 Cholesterol
  • 6 Blood pressure
  • 7 Effects on pregnancy
  • 8 Iron deficiency anemia
  • 9 Coronary artery disease
  • 10 Interactions with medications
  • 11 Acne

After reading this i think now you might have second thoughts about drinking coffee in future....... but these effects surface only when u drink too much of coffee..... Controlled consumption is safe......

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Q: What is the long term effect of drinking to much coffee?
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Related questions

Can drinking too much coffee cause anemia?

Yes, If you can drinking too much coffee cause anemia, Too much coffe is not good for health. you can avoid coffee. Per day you can drink only one cup coffee. no more than.

What are the consequences of drinking too much coffee?

slows your growth

Hom much caffeine in greek coffee?

How much caffeine is in Greek coffee depends on what kind you are drinking. The average cup of Greek coffee has about 100mg of caffeine.

What are the health risks , if any, from drinking coffee?

The typical coffee consumer should only be concerned with possible discoloration of teeth and caffeine addiction. Caffeine withdrawal is a negative side effect, and too much caffeine can give you a headache.

Is drinking a lot of coffee bad?

‌It can get bad too much caffeine

What makes you shorter?

Perhaps drinking lots of coffee can do the trick, but drinking too much can be very bad and addicting.

Is it doesn't affect you or doesn't effect you?

"When you affect a situation, you have an effecton it."So,"Staying up 48 hours without sleep doesn't affectyou.""Not being able to sleep was the effect of drinking too much coffee."

A sentence with stunted?

His growth was stunted from drinking too much coffee as a child.

What causes abnormal bone growth?

drinking to much coffee or doing abnormal drugs

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Do drinking coffee makes you harm?

Coffee has caffeine in it, which does things to your body. Get too much of that and it's not good, get a normal dose and it really doesn't seem to matter much either way.

Is 24 mg of caffeine bad?

Have recently read that coffee drinking is OK until you get jittery or cant sleep, especially if you are an older female. Remember too much coffee will give you some energy and then you will go into a slump. Drinking more coffee after that will just aggrevate the situation.