; Etymology: : Latin pro re nata as needed; as the circumstances require
That is an abbreviation for Pro re nata, Latin for"in the circumstances." In prescriptions for medicine, it is used to mean "as needed."
Green's Literal Translation was created in 1985.
Young's Literal Translation was created in 1862.
there no literal translation, El pavido navido is a nickname for a person!
The literal translation of "strong" in Hawaiian is "ikaika."
The literal translation of "panem" from Latin is "bread."
there no literal translation, El pavido navido is a nickname for a person!
i have
The literal translation of "Zhongguo" is "Middle Kingdom" or "Central Country."
Literal (or, literal translation) Verbatim
The literal translation of "angelus" in Tagalog is "anak ng diyos" which means "angel of God."