She may live to 85.
The life expectancy of women born in 1948 is approximately 72 years.
The life expectancy of a female born in 1932 was around 64.7 years.
The life expectancy for a female born in 1946 was around 68 years.
The life expectancy for someone born in 1948 in the United States was around 68.2 years. However, it's important to note that this is an average and individual life expectancy can vary depending on various factors such as lifestyle, genetics, and overall health.
The life expectancy of a white female born in 1936 is 74 years. However, it's important to note that life expectancy can vary based on factors like lifestyle, genetics, and access to healthcare.
The life expectancy of a female born in 1936 was around 64.9 years. This estimate can vary based on factors such as region, lifestyle, and healthcare access.
78 years
The life expectancy for a male is about 75 years. The life expectancy for a female is about 83 years old.
The life expectancy in 1948 varied by country and region, but on average it was around 66 years. Factors such as healthcare, nutrition, and access to clean water influenced life expectancy during that time.
Life expectancy at birth: 76.81 (male: 73.94; female: 79.84)