You can't tell life expectancy by age without knowing the condition of the person. An estimation is given to the average man and woman, or people in general, usually of a country. The average life expectancy for the entire world is 68 years.
The life expectancy for a man born in 1953 is approximately 66 years, while for a woman born in 1953, it is around 72 years.
The average life expectancy for Russian men is less than 59 years - 58 years and 11 months. The life expectancy for Russian women is 72 years.
You can't tell life expectancy by age without knowing the condition of the person. An estimation is given to the average man and woman, or people in general, usually of a country. The average life expectancy for the entire world is 68 years.
The life expectancy for Lebanon is about 72 years average.
Right now, the life expectancy is 72 years old.
About 72 years old.
The life expectancy of women born in 1948 is approximately 72 years.
The average life expectancy of the Amish community is around 72 to 75 years.
As recently as 1996, the life expectancy for men was 67 and for women, 72. This is in contrast to Canada's life expectancy at the time, which was 75 for men and 85 for women.
59 for males and 72 for females
Right now. 72 years.
72 years and 7 months old.