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There is no age limit as long as you have told your doctor you need to pick up your medicine, However you cannot pick up more medicine that prescribed. Although, If you are a child under 13, You may not pick up the drugs without an adult.

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14y ago

In Indiana there is no lower legal limit of age to pick up prescriptions. If the Rx is a controlled substance, the person must present a valid driver's license or state ID.

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When a patient comes into the pharmacy to pick up a prescription the pharmacy tech must do?

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How long will a pharmacy hold your prescription for pick up?

Prescription pick up in most pharmacies is less than 30 minutes. The amount of time the pharmacy will hold the medication for a customer to pick up depends on the policy of the store.

Can you get a prescription a few days early?

Yes. Most pharmacies will allow you to pick up a monthly prescription up to a week early.

Can your daughter mail you your prescription drugs?

Yes, just have her get them from a pharmacy that doesn't require ID to pick up the medication. (Walgreens may be a good choice) Also, make sure she talks to the post office and sends it legally - but it is possible.

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What is a prescription drug party?

LOL!... It kind of answers itself, I mean a party that everyone takes prescription drugs. It's more commonly called a skittles party though..., which is when kids go steal their parents prescription pills and go to someones house, where they throw the pills in a big bowl and then mix them. And once everyone arrives, people pick at random and take like 3 different pills. I've always wanted to try;)

Who can pick up a prescription?

anyone any time with name and date of birth

What is over-the-counter drugs?

Over the counter medication allows people to freely acquire medications that they may need without having to wait for a prescription. Now, you definitely can't go to a pharmacy and get over the counter Vicodin, which is a very strong pain killer, but if you need some Aspirin or Tylenol, you can easily pick it up over the counter. Any medication you cannot acquire freely, over the counter, such as Vicodin, is known as under the counter.

Can they give you parrtical of your adderal and not give you what they owe you?

Yes. When you get your prescription filled, make sure that they have enough to fill the entire prescription. By law, pharmacists aren't allowed to partially fill the prescription and then let you pick up the rest later. If your prescription is for 60 and they only have 45, then you will only get 45 total from that prescription.

How do you say in French He's going to pick up my prescription on his way home from work?

Il passera prendre ma prescription en rentrant du travail