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That depends. In a hot, humid climate the body looses more fluid and will dehydrate faster. If the person is too cold the body will burn more energy and dehydrate faster. If the person consumes a lot of food, or a lot of sodium, if the person is sick, if the person is physically active, if the person drools a lot - these all affect the outcome. BUT, under IDEAL conditions, the human body can survive with only 2 ounces of water per day.

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Q: What is the least amount of water a person can survive on?
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How much water does one person require a day to survive?

A person should drink at least a minimum of nine glasses of water.

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no it does not need large amounts of water to survive

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A fixed amount of water tends to have the least amount of kinetic energy in its solid state, as the molecules are tightly packed and have limited movement. This is why ice has lower kinetic energy compared to liquid water or water vapor.

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yes Make sure you put the recommended amount of aqua-safe in the water. There is no reason as long as the water is treated for them not to survive.

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With sufficient nutritious food and plenty of water, a person can survive indefinitely.

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They can but only for a short amount of time.

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LG LDF7932ST Dishwasher - Stainless Steel is the dishwasher consumes the least amount of water

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Sandy soil typically holds the least amount of water due to its large particles and low organic matter content, which allows water to drain through quickly.

Are warter in the desert?

yes, how do you think plants survive? There is some precipitation and even light rainfall, but it is just a few inches. Consequently, only the hardiest plant and animal species, needing the least amount of water survive. in many parts of the desert, there are no readily available water sources for humans.