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your arteries are the biggest, then the veins (the only blood vessels with valves), then the capillaries are the smallest as they are usually only one cell thick

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12y ago

Aorta is the largest blood vessel in the body.

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Q: What is the largest blood vesel in the body?
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What are the three types of blood vesel in the body?

Arteries, veins, capillaries.

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The 4 blood vessels are plasma, arteries, veins, and capillaries. From: Joey Sukupantee

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Anica Vesel Mander has written: 'Blood ties' -- subject(s): Psychology, Women

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Janez Vesel was born in 1798.

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Janez Vesel died in 1884.

What is largest blood vessel in the body?

the largest artery in the body is called the aorta, which is located in by the heart. Once the blood has been oxygenated by the lungs, and brought back by the pulmonary veins, then it travels to the heart and then the aorta, where the oxygenated blood is supplied to the body.

Is the largest blood vessel desame with the answer of the largest artery in the body?

No because the answer of the largest artery in the body is the aorta...And on the largest vein in the body is the vena cava..:)

Largest blood vessel in the body?

The aorta is the largest artery in the human body, carrying blood away from the heart.

Does hemorrhoids burn after going to bathroom and bleed?

Yes.Bleeding its often a sing of a a blood vesel in anus its ruptured .

The largest blood vessel in the body?

The aorta is the largest artery in the body, while the venae cava are (collectively) the largest veins in the body.