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Q: What is the importance of body temperature regulation?
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Which body part is used when the temperature regulation is essential to the production of sex cells?

The scrotum is the body part is used when the temperature regulation is essential to the production of sex cells.

Blood vessels in the dermis aid in the regulation of?

Blood vessels in the dermis of the skin aid in the regulation of body temperature by constricting (vasoconstricting) to maintain internal body temperature, or expanding (vasodilation) to release heat and lower body temperature.

Is regulation of temperature a function of the thalamus?

Yes, the thalamus is involved in the regulation of temperature. It acts as a relay station for sensory information related to temperature from the body to the brain, helping to coordinate responses to maintain a stable internal body temperature.

Where does temperature regulation in your body come from?

Muscular system and integumentary system

Hormones secreted by the hypothalamus do what?

The hypothalamus aids in regulation of the body's temperature.

What is another way of saying regulation of body temperature?

Thermoregulation is another term for the process of regulating body temperature.

Function of blood cell?

Their main function is transportation. Blood maintans pH, temperature and osmo regulation. Protects the body.

What has the author J Bligh written?

J. Bligh has written: 'Temperature regulation in mammals and other vertebrates' -- subject(s): Birds, Body temperature, Mammals, Physiology, Regulation

What is the process for regulating body temperature?

Body temperature regulation is controlled by the automomic nervous system under the guidance of the medulla oblongatta in the brain stem.

How do burns effect the temperature regulation in the human body?

Burns can affect temperature regulation in the human body by disrupting the skin's ability to regulate heat. Severe burns can damage sweat glands and blood vessels, resulting in impaired ability to cool or warm the body. This can lead to problems with maintaining a stable body temperature.

What one function of skin can involve both hair and blood?

Body temperature regulation

What is controlled exclusively by the sympathetic nervous sytem?

nervous system