There will be streams of honey flowing in paradise.
it helps the flowers because the nector they collect(for the honey) helps keep the flowers alive this is one of the things that honey is good for
If bees couldn't make honey from nector then flowers wouldn't be pollonated and so we would run out of flowers, which provide certain medicines.
In the story "Honey" by Sarah Weeks, Honey is a character who serves as a mother figure to the young protagonist, Melody. She is caring, nurturing, and provides Melody with comfort and stability in her life. Honey's character symbolizes the importance of love and acceptance in a family dynamic.
Honey bees are a type of bee, so honey bees are not bigger than bees in general. Honey bees are a social species that live in large colonies and are known for their importance in pollination and honey production.
It is not recommended to use poison to get rid of honey bees due to their importance in the ecosystem as pollinators. Instead, it is better to contact a local beekeeper or pest control professional for safe relocation or removal of the bees.
use as medicines..use in making honey....use in making sweet products
yep the honey comb is made out of wax the honey is in the honey comb
the relashionship between a honey guide and honey badger is, when a honey guide smells honey he sings a little tune and waits for a honey badger to come. when the honey badger reaches the honey guide the bird flies to were the scent of honey came from leading the badger towards honey.
No, honey bees are insects that produce honey as a food source. Honey bees collect nectar from flowers and use it to make honey, which they store in their hives as a source of energy. Honey bees are not made out of honey.
Honey Honey was the B-side of Waterloo ;)
Honey Honey Lion is a children's picture book.