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I went to see the doctor on Wednesday and my hormone count was at 12000 at 3:00pm. I went again on Friday to see if it was a miscariage and my count was at 18000. He said it was not the number he expected. Is this normal?

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Q: What is the hormone count at 6 weeks?
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I was 6 weeks and 5 days yesterday with and hcg at 9000. Just spoke with my doctor and he said it is normal.

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Well, honey, 43 days is 6 weeks and 1 day. It's simple math, no need to overcomplicate things. Just count those days on your fingers if you have to, I won't judge.

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yes it is. it usually takes two weeks after conception for your hormone levels to be measurable

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How many weeks from 1 June 2011 till 31 January 2012?

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Can hormone level affect the weeks of pregnancy?

Yes, if your hormone level drops it can cause you to have a misscarriage. Don't know if it can accelerate it though.

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6 weeks 6 weeks 6 weeks 6 weeks 6 weeks 6 weeks