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The best thing you can do for yourself is take garlic tablets and horse radish tablets to rebuild your immune system. Vitamin C can also help. While you have a cold it's also advisable to not eat/drink too many things that are dairy based. Dairy makes mucus in your body a lot thicker and it'll make it harder for you to breathe if you have mucus in your chest with your cold.

In response: There are no studies supporting Vitamin C is helpful with colds. In fact, taking Vitamin C inappropriately can be dangerous. Time cures a cold. Viral nasal congestion can last for 7-10 days and coughs can last 2-3 weeks. Supportive care will make you feel better - increased fluids, plenty of rest, good nutrition. Sorry - no magic bullet.

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Q: What is the home remedy to cure cold?
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The home cure for common cold involves drinking plenty of fluids and inhaling steam. Blowing your nose, and staying warm and rested are also recommended for quick recovery.