Yes, the word smile is a noun, a singular, common noun. Smile is also a verb (smile, smiles, smiling, smiled).
Nowhere in the Bible is the word 'smile'.
The Hawaiian word for smile is "hoʻohihi."
The word for (a) smile is "sonrisa."The verb "to smile" is sonreír.
The word for smile in Hawaiian is "ho'ohihi."
Smile a sphinx smile
She would smile at her mom and her mom would smile back.
In Polish, "smile" is pronounced "uśmiech."
No, the word 'smile' is a noun (smile, smiles) and a verb (smile, smiles, smiling, smiled).EXAMPLESnoun: She has a beautiful smile.verb: I saw him smile at you.
As far as I've found, there is no word for smile in qenyan or sindarian...... yet